How was the ECD Program formed?

As is stated in our organization's About page, The Brazos Valley Council of Governments was originally designated as the Brazos Valley Economic Development District in 1966 by the federal government. The Brazos Valley Economic Development District, as with all other Economic Development Districts, was overseen by the Economic Development Administration. A year later, the State Legislature reorganized the Brazos Valley Economic Development District as the Brazos Valley Development Council, making it one of 24 statewide planning regions. As a result of this reorganization, the EDA designated activities of the BVEDD became the responsibility of the Economic and Community Development Program within the broader organization.

What are the goals and activities of the ECD Program?

The Economic and Community Development Program supports ongoing communication and regional planning goals within the seven-county BVCOG region. Through a strong emphasis on community and economic development, our staff works with city and county officials to concentrate on rural transportation planning, economic development, small business funding, community development, grant writing, demographic interpretation, and GIS and mapping services.

Above all, the Economic and Community Development Program listens to and works with our region's communities to help them develop on their own terms.

Economic and Demographic Data for the Brazos Valley

Click on any of the title cards featured below to access economic and demographic data for individual counties as well as the entire region.