What is the CEDS?

The Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy is a long-term economic development strategy that is regionally-driven and locally-based. It utilizes an analysis of the region's strengths and weaknesses to guide future economic growth, spur development, increase jobs, and diversify the economy.

Why do we have the CEDS?

In addition to serving as the local council of governments for the state of Texas, BVCOG is also a designated Economic Development District (EDD) under the Economic Development Administration (EDA). As an Economic Development District, BVCOG is required to create a regularly update a CEDS document to guide regional economic activity. Outside of this governmental requirement, the CEDS is a document that can be cited by cities, counties, and BVCOG when pursuing certain grant opportunities. If it can be shown that a grant will help that entity fulfill the goals of the CEDS document, it strengthens the application of that entity.

CEDS Document Update Timeline

This timeline illustrates the steps that BVCOG ECD plans on taking to ensure that the CEDS document is an accurate reflection of the public vision for the Brazos Valley Region
  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Introductory meetings

    BVCOG ECD will meet with elected officials and city administrators to discuss the state of communities throughout the Brazos Valley Region. The purpose of these meetings is to build relationships, determine individual community goals, and discuss possible concerns

  • Timeline item 2 - active

    Compile Regional Data

    BVCOG ECD has access to several different demographic and economic databases for the region. These databases provide our program with additional information about the region that can't be directly gathered from meetings with community leaders.

  • Timeline item 3 - active

    Follow-up and community meetings

    BVCOG ECD will conduct follow-up meetings with elected officials and city staff as individual city projects progress. the ECD program will also work with cities to host larger public meetings to hear from residents

  • Timeline item 4 - incomplete

    Develop a first draft

    BVCOG ECD will take the information collected during meetings with elected officials, city administrators, and the public at large to create an initial draft of the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Document update.

  • Timeline item 5 - incomplete

    Collect draft document feedback

    BVCOG ECD will present the initial draft of the CEDS to the public to collect feedback.

  • Timeline item 6 - incomplete

    Develop a final draft

    BVCOG ECD will process the feedback given regarding the initial draft of the CEDS document update and use it to develop a final version of the document

  • Timeline item 7 - incomplete

    Final Approval

    Once a final draft has been completed, the document will be brought before the Brazos Valley Council of Governments Board of Directors for a final approval.

Other regional Projects

view the other regional projects taking place around the Brazos Valley